STEREOTYPE: a conventional, formulaic and usually over- simplified conception, opinion or belief. A person, group, event, or issue considered to typify or conform to an unvarying pattern or manner, lacking any individuality.
That, my friends, is only the dictionary definition.....personally, I dedicate this web page more to the word rather than the's so intriguing....nobody would be able to describe it or it's meaning clearly and flawlessly, even if they're seen all the time, and considered a very negative aspect of society...but, has anybody ever stopped and analyzed the actual word? has anybody ever meditated about the images it brings to your mind, or the words that might remind you of it? has anybody ever dedicated a whole site to these 10 ideally "perfect" letters, and the words they form?
| ster-e-o-type Pronunciation: (ster'E-u-tIp", stEr'-), n., v., -typed, -typing. French: stéréotype Italian: stereotipo Spanish: estereotipo German: stereotype Dutch: gemeenplaats Portuguese: estereótipo
Wat'z New? ..this is a recently published site, and i'm not completely finished editing it, so i guarantee that there will be incessant updates. If you have anything to suggest, ask, or criticize (i welcome ANY kind of opinion), please sign the guestbook, or you might even want to write to me email is in the "Contact" link at the top of the page....thankyou for your time.....and, "don't forget to sign the guestbook", said the stereotypical ads woman... View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook | |